Break the cycle.

"8 week" diet

lose a few lbs

be miserable

quit "diet"

gain all the
weight back

feel like
you failed

Diets are over
for good.

Extreme measures don't work, learn to build a routine you love doing forever, no more struggle.

You can

Slim down
with no hunger

balancing foods you love, chosen with our principles, makes fat-loss super easy.

I've been getting thinner
for months, everything
makes sense

Course curriculum

Simplicity and focusing on what matters creates lasting change.

Module 1

Understand your situation

What the problem is, what information you can trust and what doesn't work.

Learn more

How the fitness industry works.


Common mistakes when thinking about diet and slimming down.


Popular ideas that don't work in real life situations.


Why simplicity and loving your food are necessary.


Perfection is actually not the goal.


Our system's basics and how it's better.

Module 2

Burn fat with food you love

Balancing guilty pleasures, building up a faster metabolism and no hunger.

Learn more

What matters in the food we pick.


What doesn't matter for fat-loss.


Burn fat, not muscle.


Chosing and prioritising your ideal foods with our bonus list.


Never being hungry again.


Boosting your metabolism for a more effective and flexible journey.


Planning your meals in minutes.


Managing a busy schedule and eating out often.


Intermittent fasting or not: how often you want to eat.


How to think about exceptional situations or holidays.

Module 3

Build your dream body fast

Exercise principles and our 4 perfect exercises for a beautiful female shape.

Learn more

Our 4 perfect exercises for a full-body workout in 30 minutes, a video guide.


What matters in exercise.


How muscle helps with fat-loss.


Muscle-soreness: never again.


The importance of safety and slow progression.


Why "cardio" is unnecessary.


Rest, recover and grow from exercise.


Breathing during exercise.

Module 4

Make your journey easier

Powerful tips and tricks to help you with any journey of personal change.

Learn more

Simple sleep improvements to help you make good decisions.


Using habits and environmental cues to your advantage.


Quick actions to let go of negative mental patterns.


Finding and using external support.


Goal journal and visualisation.


Philosophy's encouraging words.


Tracking your progress to not lose sight of just how far you've come.

Learn anytime,
anywhere, at
your own pace.

Lifetime access + free updates of our short video, audio and text lessons designed for mobile.

Bonus tools

Marrying theory and real life.

Magic Tracking Sheet

Making planning and tracking your meals a breeze.

Eating out cheat sheet

Simplifying the art of eating out and making progress.

Exercise guide and timer

Easy video reference and timer with clear audio guides.

Ideal food index

A sorted list of perfect foods to balance any guilty pleasure.

I'll never lose
control again
it feels great.

1x per week,
4 exercises,
30 minutes,
0 soreness.

Shape your
perfect body
from home.

Wherever you are, with
no equipment needed.

I keep staring at mirrors and
my confidence is sky-high.

Flexible and truly
easy to follow

with a lot of wiggle room to always fit your β€œforbidden” pleasures.


Enjoy your

eating out a lot while still making progress is just a few rules of thumb away.

Improve your

I'm basically


113 years of combined coaching experience.

πŸ‘‹ Hey, I'm Emily, the one in charge of writing our little bio.

Long story short, we're 19 women from wildly different backgrounds.

Online communities, consultations, coaching calls, family, friendships and marriages ultimately brought us all together to:


Coach over 10.000 women into building their dream bodies.


Help these women lose a total of about 381.421 lbs of fat.


Analyse and test the findings of 5763 scientific studies on diet, exercise and metabolic health.

After many many conversations about the poor online fat-loss advice, we could definitely do better.

Focusing on everyday women like ourselves, not the genetic outliers of the fitness industry.

We created this course to teach women like you to build and maintain a body that looks and feels great.

This program
is NOT for you if..


You're looking for an extreme diet to power through a few weeks.

Any fat-loss from extreme diets reverts when β€œnormal” life continues.

True progress comes from learning to make the right food and exercise choices day to day, not shock diets.


You want to rely on your intuition more than tracking and planning your meals in the beginning.

Being involved daily and planning your meals will be crucial in the beginning.

Worry not, we made tracking as simple as possible with our bonus tools.


You can't commit to a new process with your meals and exercise.

What you've always done got you the body you currently have.

Change comes from changing our behaviour first.

This program
is FOR YOU if..


You want to learn and make real long-lasting change for a lifetime.


You're interested in understanding the principles behind fat-loss and how muscle helps with basically every aspect of health.


You feel overwhelmed by the oceans of conflicting advice online and need a simple, holistic approach to fat-loss and fitness.

New lenses to look at how your choices affect your body composition and many internal processes.


You hate being hungry and want to lose fat without ever having to feel like you're β€œcutting down” on food.


You hate the gym and would rather be able to work out at home or while traveling.

Our principles and exercises work anywhere, including the gym, but it's completely unnecessary.


You want to do one quick and intense workout per week, so you can be done in 30 minutes and go on with your life confident that you're making progress, all while having absolutely no muscle-soreness.

Most people exercise in the most unsafe, inefficient and ineffective way possible, focusing on the wrong thing, that's why they get muscle-soreness and think hours in the gym are necessary or even beneficial.


You value timeless knowledge of how the body works and how everything plays together more than trendy and ineffective routines on YouTube.


You don't have time to waste scouring the internet for answers and just want a quick and simple solution that doesn't require countless hours of learning or implementation.

now loving dieting
with ice cream ahahah

1-on-1 slim-down



Direct support from our team


Tailored nutrition plans and exercises


Weekly accountability calls


Everything in DIY Slim-down journey

Apply for membership

DIY slim-down



Lifetime access and lifetime updates


Self-paced course


Lessons ( Learn, Practice, Apply )


30-day, money-back guarantee


Magic Tracking Sheet


Eating out easily cheat-sheet


Exercises guided video and timer


Workout equipment suggestions


Perfect balance foods index sheet

Start your journey

toned muscle,
better health.

just look at a few more of our over 10.000 fit, happy queens:



Frequently asked


Content and timing


What makes this different from other diet and exercise programs?

Most "diets" are extremely restrictive and force people into strict and unsustainable guidelines.

We purposely set as few "rules" as possible.

The best predictor for fat-loss is actually enjoying the right food.

We show you all the best tools so you can chose what you like best and shed fat effortlessly.

A key part of our process will be to find your favourite perfect foods, so you can eat those as the base and always be able to fit your guilty pleasures, like ice-cream or pizza.

Beyond that, we maximise the effects of exercise with as little time investment as possible and no muscle-soreness after exercise with a single 30 minute session per week. No need to live in the gym.

There is literally no easier, simpler, quicker and more enjoyable way of losing fat while toning our body.


How long does the course take to complete?

You can learn everything that moves the needle in under 1 hour.

10 minutes to plan your food day to day and 30 minutes of exercise per week, from home.


Are they all video lessons?

We teach through a mix of short animations, video examples and text explanations with a companion audio version of the text.

Studies clearly show that the best for remembering information are video examples or reading and listening to information at the same time.

This is the easiest for you to remember and quickest to reference in the future if you needed a refresh.


Is it designed for mobile, or is it better accessed through a desktop computer?

Absolutely everything we make is designed for mobile devices.

Over 97% of Americans own a mobile phone while only 3/4 of them own a laptop of desktop computer.

A no brainer, especially considering how quick and convenient it is to access our platform through any smartphone.


Personal requirements


I'm vegan / carnivore / keto / diabetic

No problem.

Our process works with any dietary restrictions.

Health or moral restrictions are no issue at all.


I have a specific injury or mobility restriction

All our proposed exercises have many different options and suggestions to suit any level of skill, strength level or mobility restriction.

Of course, some specific issues will negate working on specific muscle-groups entirely, but these will be very rare.


I cook for my family too

No problem.

Our process focuses on finding the right foods and process to enjoy fat-loss.

This same process could be followed and modified to find the foods that you and your family love.


Pricing and payment


Did the price increase?

We constantly update and add content to the course.

Whenever that happens, we change the price to match the value being offered.

For any current users, all future updates and additions to the course will be free.


Is there a guarantee?

Yes! We strongly believe in our process and teaching system, but we also understand that you might not love our teaching methods.

For that reason, if before beginning the second module you decide you'd rather try your luck with what is available elsewhere, send us an email at


Do you offer discounts?


Investment is an extra push to take your journey seriously and we wholeheartedly believe in the value offered in our course.

We're a pretty big team and we're all working around the clock to constantly improve the value we provide.


I'm interested but can't start right now

That's ok.

Since you'll have lifetime access, you can purchase it now and start when you're ready.

It's important to note that we will increase the price as we add and improve our course, but any future improvements will be free for existing users.



Any other questions?

Ask away and we'll keep adding and improving our FAQ.